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Animal Reiki Healing

As well as cat sitting, I am also a Master Reiki practitioner for both humans and animals. I run White Stag Reiki giving treatments during the day when I am not looking after cats!


If you're not sure what Reiki Healing is, briefly, it is a Japanese energy healing method used by millions of people worldwide to help restore the bodies own natural ability to heal both the mind, the body and the spirit. It is NOT an alternative to traditional medicine or veterinary care, but works well alongside it.


As with humans, Reiki treatments may benefit animals with physical, mental or emotional issues and Reiki can help animals with behavioural problems that have an emotional basis or influence.


When you spend time around animals, you enter a world where the things that bother us as humans like frustration, stress and worry - have no place or significance. All the over-investment we put into things that realistically have a limited positive contribution to our lives, fades away, and we find ourselves instinctively being kind and showing love and appreciation, all of which are feelings that make us feel good and often help us put things into perspective.


One of the reasons I love what I do!


​You've probably already seen how an animal will assess you before deciding whether or not to come up to you or let you get close to them, some might be nervous initially, but they ultimately make their decisions based on your energy and in their - sometimes frustratingly not our - own time. Animals constantly use energy, they can tell if you are sad, feeling unwell or angry, and their behaviour can often be a reflection of your own energy.

Animals sense the healing power of Reiki better than humans because they already understand it, plus, unlike humans, they have no preconceptions. My cat will always come into the room where I am giving a treatment (if allowed of course!) and often lie on my client. When she's had enough she'll leave, and that's one of the reasons why Reiki with animals differs to that of humans. As opposed to the human expectations of receiving Reiki energy, the animals make all the decisions. I offer the Reiki energy to them and they will decide how i.e. hands on/off/from a distance, and very importantly if, they want to receive it. Where cats are concerned, they're the boss and I know my place!​


For more information, visit White Stag Reiki


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